PRISM SOUTH FLORIDA | Proudly serving Miami-Dade since 2013!
Have you ever experienced an encounter with a spirit? Have you ever been to or lived in a place that was haunted by a ghost? Maybe you've even seen or felt the presence of a recently deceased relative or close friend? Most of us have witnessed some type of paranormal event at some point in our life. At PRISM, we believe that the paranormal phenomena we are witnessing, is real and does exist!
Currently there is no scientific way to prove the existence of ghosts or spirits. However, as technology continues to improve, so do our chances of explaining both residual and intelligent hauntings. Are we now able to finally shed a light on the unexplained? Can we find the smoking gun ...the proof that ghosts and spirits exist? Can we garner enough repeatable and verifiable evidence to prove the existence of ghosts? The answer is YES and the time is NOW!
The PRISM Paranormal Research Team is there to not only try and capture proof of a haunting occurring in your home or workplace, but if needed, to work with you in coming up with a solution to help alleviate any problems or fears being caused by the paranormal activity.
PRISM Paranormal Research is a non-profit, privately founded paranormal research team. PRISM was founded in January of 2004, in Omaha, Nebraska, by paranormal researcher David Pierce Rodriguez. PRISM never charges for a paranormal investigation of a home or business!
PRISM Paranormal Research founder, David Pierce Rodriguez was featured on episode #3 (Orlando, FL) of the new Corus Studios original series, Repossessed. The show is led by paranormal investigator Moe Sargi, psychic medium Leitreanna Brown and researcher Marika Simón, as they travel across North America in search of the most haunted objects and the desperate owners who need their help. The series will air on The History Channel and Hulu.
PRISM Paranormal Research founder, David Pierce Rodriguez, was interviewed on The Miami Herald / el Nuevo Herald Miami Oculto podcast for their 2022 Haloween Special, with hosts, Sarah Moreno and Jessica Serrano, with producer Esther Piccolino.
[En español]
El fundador de PRISM Paranormal Research, David Pierce Rodríguez, fue entrevistado en el podcast Miami Oculto de The Miami Herald / el Nuevo Herald para su Especial de Haloween 2022, con las anfitrionas, Sarah Moreno y Jessica Serrano, con la productora Esther Piccolino.
Haga clic aquí para leer el artículo de El Nuevo Herald.
PRISM Paranormal Research founder, David Pierce Rodriguez, was interviewed on Hablando Claro con el Padre Alberto on Mega TV on October 3,2022.
[En español]
El fundador de PRISM Paranormal Research, David Pierce Rodriguez, fue entrevistado en Hablando Claro con el Padre Alberto en Mega TV el 3 de octubre de 2022.
David Pierce Rodriguez and Diana Lambert from PRISM Paranormal Research South Florida on Hoy con Tomás Regalado on Mega TV on September 24,2022.
[En español]
David Pierce Rodriguez y Diana Lambert de PRISM Paranormal Research South Florida en Hoy con Hoy con Tomás Regalado en MegaTV el 24 de septiembre de 2022.
On September 12, 2022, PRISM founder David Pierce Rodríguez was interviewed on the Julio Bevione show on Radio Actualidad 1040 AM in Miami, Florida. They spoke about South Florida hauntings.
[En español]
El 12 de septiembre de 2022, el fundador de PRISM, David Pierce Rodríguez, fue entrevistado en el programa de Julio Bevione en Radio Actualidad 1040 AM en Miami, Florida. Hablaron sobre apariciones en el sur de la Florida.
On August 23, 2022, The Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald continues their journey to the south of Miami-Dade County to downtown Homestead for a visit to the Hotel Redland, a 13-room gem that is a tribute to to the simple life of early 20th century Florida. Urban legend states that the hotel had ghosts and the guest of this episode of Miami Oculto, David Pierce Rodríguez, a ghost hunter who has a team of experts and machines to check if places are really haunted, affirms that he heard and recorded voices. Article by Sarah Moreno, Jessica Serrano, and Esther Piccolino.
Click here to read the entire The Miami Herald article.
Haga clic aquí para leer el artículo de El Nuevo Herald.
PRISM founder David Pierce Rodriguez was featured on the premiere episode of the Netflix Unsolved Mysteries podcast on February 17, 2021.
To read more about the PRISM paranormal investigations conducted at Ball Cemetery in Springfield, Nebraska, click here.
PRISM's founder, David Pierce Rodriguez, was interviewed by Jess Nelson with the Miami New Times on October 31, for an article entitled, The Paranormal Bad Boys Are Florida's Ghostbusters.
Miami New Times - A Night With Miami's Most Famous Ghost Hunter in a Haunted Homestead Hotel
Isabella Vi Gomes spent the night investigating the Hotel Redland with David Pierce Rodriguez and the South Florida PRISM paranormal research team. The complete article can be read on the Miami New Times website here.
PRISM South Florida was incredibly honored to receive the 2016 Programming Partner of the Year Award from the Deering Estate Foundation on January 11, 2017.
On August 24, 2016, David Pierce Rodriguez, from PRISM Paranormal Research South Florida and Tim Arnwine, from Haunted South Florida, conducted a paranormal investigation of the Hotel Redland in Homestead, Florida. Many Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) audio clips were recorded during the investigation of the hotel.
Equipment used during the investigation includes, Panasonic RR-DR60 digital audio recorder, REM-POD, Rook EMF meter, Tri-axis EMF meter, Cell Sensor EMF meter, Digital Dowsing Ovilus III ITC Research Device, Digital Dowsing Paranormal Puck 2, Paranologies 360 Parascope, EDI Meter, and both full-spectrum and infrared video cameras.