November 15, 2017
Radio Interview
La Poderosa 670 AM
El Mundo al Día con Enrique Encinosa
South Florida, Keys, Orlando
October 29, 2017
Event Host
Hit That Dive
4th Annual Haunted Hangover
Omaha, Nebraska
October 26, 2017
Event Host
Historic Ghost Tour
Deering Estate
Miami, Florida
October 21, 2017
Event Host
Public Paranormal Investigation
Gold Coast Railroad Museum
Miami, Florida
October 19, 2017
Event Host
Historic Ghost Tour
Deering Estate
Miami, Florida
October 13, 2017
Event Host
Overnight Ghost Hunt (Spookover)
Deering Estate
Miami, Florida
October 6, 2017
Event Host
Ghost Hunt w/ Arvida M.S.
Deering Estate
Miami, Florida
October 2017
(Friday nights in Oct.)
Event Host
Haunted Hollow
Omaha, Nebraska
October 2017
(Weekends in Oct.)
Event Host
Paranormal Classes
Nopeming Sanitorium
Duluth, Minnesota
August 18, 2017
Paranormal Investigation
Kendall, Florida
August 16, 2017
Radio Interview
La Poderosa 670 AM
El Mundo al Día con Enrique Encinosa
South Florida, Keys, Orlando
June 14, 2017
Radio Interview
La Poderosa 670 AM
El Mundo al Día con Enrique Encinosa
South Florida, Keys, Orlando
May 9, 2017
Paranormal Investigation
Doral, Florida
May 6 & 7, 2017
3rd Annual Black Angels Hearse & Pro Car Show
Westfair Fairgrounds
Council Bluffs, Iowa
April 1, 2017
Paranormal Investigation
Victor Hotel
Victor, Colorado
March 25, 2017
Paranormal Investigation
Gulfstream Hotel
Lake Worth, Florida
February 2017
Paranormal Investigation
Museum of Colorado Prisons
Cañon City, Colorado
February 22, 2017
Radio Interview (8-10 PM)
La Poderosa 670 AM
El Mundo al Día con Enrique Encinosa
South Florida, Keys, Orlando
February 18, 2017
Paranormal Investigation
Undisclosed location
Broward County, Florida
February 3, 2017
Paranormal Investigation
Deering Estate
Miami, Florida
January 2017
Paranormal Investigation
Cheeseman Park
Victor, Colorado
January 21, 2017
Paranormal Investigation
Private Residence
Omaha, Nebraska
January 18, 2017
Radio Interview
La Poderosa 670 AM
El Mundo al Día con Enrique Encinosa
South Florida, Keys, Orlando
January 11, 2017
Award Ceremony
Programming Partner of the Year
Deering Estate
Miami, Florida
January 6, 2017
Event Host
Deering Estate
Miami, Florida
October 10, 2014:
Kelley Norgard becomes Director of PRISM Omaha.
April 16, 2015: Ghost Tour Deering Estate @ Cutler Miami, Florida |
April 11, 2015: Paranormal Investigation Villisca Ax Murder House Villisca, Iowa |
March 27, 2015: Paranormal Investigation Cattail Creek Residence Omaha, Nebraska |
March 21, 2015: Paranormal Investigation Farrar Elementary School Maxwell, Iowa |
March 13, 2015: Overnight Spookover Deering Estate @ Cutler Miami, Florida |
March 13, 2015: Paranormal Investigation Oakland Residence Oakland, Nebraska |
February 28, 2015: |
February 20, 2015: Paranormal Investigation Ashland Residence Ashland, Nebraska |
February 19, 2015: Ghost Tour Deering Estate @ Cutler Miami, Florida |
PRISM Omaha's Hummel Park Nebraska investigation was referenced under the in the Halloween 2014 People.com article entitled, "The Haunted States of America: Iconic Ghosts of the Union (Infographic)" written by Alex Heigl.
PRISM was written about in a Halloween 2014 article, by Leeanna Ellis, for the Arlington Citizen entitled, "Investigative team probes haunted locations".
Makayla Nemecek, Editor-In-Chief of Scribner-Snyder High School newpaper, The Trojan Times, wrote an article entitled, Spirits Continue to Reside at The Old Hotel, about the paranormal activity and investigations of PRISM founder David Pierce Rodriguez and the rest of the PRISM paranormal research team at the historic Harder Hotel in Scribner, Nebraska.
>> Read the article here
Pat & JT Q98.5 After Dark!
9pm to Midnight Saturday 10/26/13
Omaha, Nebraska
Speakers: PRISM, Psychic Andy, & Elizabeth Myers
Recording of the broadcast:
Part 1 | Part 2
Review of the event:
Trish Eklund: Her View From Omaha
Q98.5 FM Omaha, Nebraska
Pat & JT Morning Show
PRISM Special Guests
Olance Nogueras and Patricia Pomales of América TeVé, joined David Pierce Rodriguez and Stephanie Bautis of PRISM, and Colleen Kelley and Lourdes Orta from the Messengers paranormal team, at the Deering Estate at Cutler during their Spookover. This was taped on October 17, 2014 and aired on October 30, 2014 on America Noticias (WFUN) América TeVé and replayed on TeVeo Miami, Florida.
En español:
Olance Nogueras y Patricia Pomales de América TeVé, unieron con David Pierce Rodriguez y Stephanie Bautis de PRISM, y and Colleen Kelley y Lourdes Orta del grupo paranormal, los Messengers, en el Deering Estate at Cutler durante el Spookover. Fue grabado el 17 de octubre de 2014 y salió al aire el 30 de octubre de 2014 en America Noticias (WFUN) América TeVé y reproducido en TeVeo Miami, Florida.
Journalist Krystal Sidzyik from the UNO Gateway newspaper wrote an article entitled, UNO’s Paranormal Summit A Frightening and Fun Success. The article talks about the 2011 Paranormal Summit and PRISM's involvement with it.
>> Read the article here
PRISM was interviewed for an episode of, Conversations with a Serial Killer, by UK-based Twofour Broadcast.The episode revolves around the Charles Starkweather murders.
Several members of PRISM Omaha were interviewed regarding their 2005 paranormal investigation which revolved around the Charles Starkweather murders, in particular, the August Meyer farm. The show will air on the LIVING channel in the United Kingdom.
>> Watch the video clip here
PRISM's founder, David P. Rodriguez, and PRISM investigator Dan Christianson, were interviewed on Lincoln, Nebraska's KIBZ 104.1 FM The Blaze during the 'Tim and The Animal' morning show. Several EVPs recorded by the team at the Villisca Axe Murder House were played and discussed.
Below is a short Haunted Hollow radio promo that aired in October 2006 feautring several of PRISM's EVPs from our investigation of the farmhouse. Photo credits Carl Norgard and David Pierce Rodriguez.
PRISM Norfolk founder Anney Horn was interviewed by Sioux City, Iowa NBC affiliate KTIV News. The news story focused on her involvement in paranormal research with PRISM.
PRISM Norfolk founder Anney Horn was interviewed by journalist Andrea Westerhaus of the Norfolk Daily News (Norfolk, Nebraska.) The article entitled, Norfolkan Pursues Paranormal Activity, focused on her involvement in paranormal research with PRISM.
>> Read the article here
A few of the EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena) that the PRISM team recorded at the Villisca Axe Murder house were featured on the About.com Paranormal Phenomena site.
>> Read more here
PRISM founder David P. Rodriguez and PRISM investigator Ralph DeStefano were interviewed in the studio on Halloween on Omaha, Nebraska's KKCD 105.9 FM, during Steve & Roxy's morning show.
Some of the staff from the UNO Gateway newspaper and the Omaha News joined PRISM on their October 22, 2005 paranormal investigation of Hummel Park in Omaha, Nebraska. The article talks about the investigation and, speaks with PRISM's founder and lead investigator, David Rodriguez, about the work that PRISM is doing.
The Omaha News aired a news story on PRISM and founder David P. Rodriguez. The story focused on various evidence of the paranormal that they have captured and in particular, their investigations of the Fairview Cemetery and Black Angel Statue located in Council, Bluffs, Iowa.
>> Watch the video clip here
On October 11, 2005, PRISM was featured on Fox 42 KPTM News (in Nebraska & Iowa.) The news story was rebroadcast on Halloween, October 31, 2005. KPTM followed the PRISM paranormal research team during an overnight investigation of the Villisca Axe Murder house in Villisca, Iowa on September 9, 2005.
>> Watch the video clip here
PRISM founder David P. Rodriguez was interviewed on Ghostly Talk radio. David was introduced into the Ghostly Talk team as a GT field reporter and then spoke about PRISM's Villisca Axe Murder house investigations. Three EVPs from the investigations were played during the interview.
>> Listen to the radio interview here
Film producer and director Paul von Stoetzel recorded interviews with PRISM founder David P. Rodriguez and PRISM investigator Dan Christianson for his new documentary film with the working title, Roadside Attractions. Locations included both the Squirrel Cage Jail in Council Bluffs, Iowa, and the Villisca Axe Murder house in Villisca, Iowa.
PRISM's investigation of Mystery Manor in Omaha, Nebraska was discussed on Fox 42 KPTM News (in Nebraska & Iowa).
>> Watch the video clip here
A story on PRISM founder David P. Rodriguez and PRISM's paranormal investigation of the the Squirrel Cage Jail was featured on the Coast To Coast AM web site in their Hot Stories section. Coast To Coast is a national late-night radio show hosted by Art Bell and George Noory. The radio show is is listened to by millions of listeners each night and all kinds of paranormal topics are discussed.
PRISM was featured on the front page of the Independence Day edition of Southwestern Iowa's The Daily Nonpareil newspaper. The article, written by Tom McMahon, and entitled Paranormal Researcher Investigates Jail spoke about PRISM's paranormal investigation of the Old Pottawattamie Squirrel Cage Jail.
>> Read the article here
Omaha, Nebraska's KPTM Fox news anchors Taylor Wilson and Tracy Jacim follow PRISM on an overnight investigation of the Squirrel Cage Jail for their "Prime Assignment". Reporter Dave DeJohn and photographer Jason Pressler.
>> Watch the video clip here